1,000 Heartbeats

There are many different rounds in 1,000 Heartbeats, and each comes with a unique challenge in writing a good question/set of questions.

Round 1 Games


For Compare, the question remains constant, and the options change, with one answer of each pairing being more/less than the other, depending on the question given. Ideally at least 14 pairs of answers are needed for each main question.


For Contrast, the answers remain constant, and the question changes, with one answer being correct for each question presented. Ideally at least 14 questions are needed for each pair of answers.

Round 2 Games


For Unravel, we only need valid English words that are 6-10 letters long.


For Reorder, a statement is made with an order declaration (e.g. earliest to latest / least to most, etc.), and 6 answer options. The 6 answer options are then placed into order according to the statement.

Round 3 Games


For Assemble, all that is needed is a picture of someone notable or famous, and their given name. The aspect ratio of the picture must be 2:3 (i.e. the height of the picture is 1.5x the width of the picture). A good size that works in the game is 300x450px. Be sure that each octant of the picture is unique enough that reflections of octants are unambiguous options.


For Definition, we require valid English words that are 5-9 letters long, and a definition to accompany the word. The definition should not be overly wordy (maximum 20 words), but should be enough to accurately define the word being revealed by the game.


For Unscramble, there is a vague category, a more specific clue term (which is optionally revealed by the player), and 5 anagram answers that fit the category and clue, in block capitals. Ideally the anagrams should look somewhat like English words, rather than just a random assortment of letters. Additionally, each word should be individual anagrams, i.e. THAT WORD can be anagrammed as AHTT DROW, but not as HOWT DRAT, as the letters in the second example are being moved to different words.

Round 4 Games


For Identify, 8 answer options are revealed, and a question that matches 4 of those. Therefore, there are 4 correct and 4 wrong answers for each question.


For Link, there is a question, and 6 answer pairs presented in a jumbled order (each answer on the left, 1-6, can be matched with a unique answer on the right, A-F). On the actual show, only 4 of the pairs presented are valid, however I am not that strict on the rules just yet, so for now provide 6 correct answer pairings for the question if you want.

Round 6 Games


For Decipher, only one of the 5 given statements will match the question at the top. Note that the question can ask for either “Which of these ___ is CORRECT?” or “Which of these ___ is INCORRECT?”. Player will face 2 questions minimum to make it through the round if they are successful.


For Cashout, a statement is presented, which can either be true or false. The player will face a series of true/false statements, and to win they must get 5 correct in a row, so the player will likely face quite a few of these. No restriction on numbers here, but the more the merrier. Ideally the majority of statements should be easy-medium in difficulty, with 1 in 5 being more medium-hard in difficulty.

Submission & Templates

Questions for 1,000 Heartbeats currently do not go on this site; instead, you should submit a question pack using the Question Pack Submission Form. There is a template Google sheets document that you can make a copy of and then send that to the question pack submission form when you are ready. You do not have to submit a pack that includes all rounds though - only fill in what you feel comfortable in submitting.